Four Way Test Award
Four-Way-Test Award
For: Recognition of a Rotarian for outstanding exemplification of the principles of the Four Way Test.
Type: Individual plaque.
Rules: At discretion of the District Governor.
Application: If you have a nomination suggestion, please email DG Jim Johnston at by August 1 a short write-up about the person/Club you would like to nominate and why you feel they deserve the award. Please copy on your email to ensure the District Governor receives your nomination.
History: Started by PDG Dick Gibbs.
2023 Andy Jarski (Summit County)
2022 No Award
2021 Peter Zwicky, eClub One
2020 Mike Brady, Boulder
2019 Ed Meyer, Denver Southeast
2018 Bill Manning, Evergreen
2017 Gretchen Berggren, Evergreen
2016 Ronald Catterson, Evergreen
2015 Jim Halderman, Golden
2014 Carol Baumbusch, Denver Southeast
2013 Michael Weatherwax, Boulder
2012 John Thielen, Arvada Sunrise
2011 Dan Himelspach, Denver Mile High
2010 Jack Houser
2009 PDG Frank Sargent, Englewood
2008 Parker
2007 Richard (Dick) R. Castleman, Englewood
2006 Darla Schueth, Boulder
2005 Nan Jarvis, Mountain Foothills
2004 Kimra Perkins
2003 Kevin Farrell (RYLA), Denver Southeast
2002 David Trefz, Wheat Ridge
2001 Bud Laber, University Hills
2000 H. Michael Hayes, Westminster 7:10
1999 Bert Melcher, University Hills
1998 Floyd Nelson, Highlands Ranch
1997 Talee Crowe, Smoky Hill
1996 Ed Whittman, Boulder Valley
1995 Lyn & Francisco Sabichi, Denver
1994 Jerry Kraus, Aurora
1993 Jack & Lynne Rummel, Boulder
1990 Loy Dickinson, Denver Mile High