Polio cases have declined rapidly since 1985, but the fight isn't over. Polio is a crippling and potentially fatal infectious disease ,and for as little as US$0.60, a child can be protected against the virus for life. If we don't finish the fight right now, more than 10 million children under the age of five could be paralyzed by polio in the next 40 years.
We are “This Close” to eradicating polio, 99.9% there! Grant Wilkins, shown with his wife, Marlene, has been our leader in this campaign, and inspired Glenna Goodacre to sculpt and Richard Gooding to fund the PolioPlus statue which is now located in the Anschutz CU Medical Center.

Much has been happening in the polio eradication campaign as of late. It was announced at the Lisbon International Conference that the Gates Foundation would make a 2 for 1 match with Rotary International up to $35M/year through 2018, adding over $500,000,000!!! As the last few years are the hardest, it will take all of us to educate, talk to our governments and continue fundraising.

Several speakers talk about the polio eradication developments to date including the Gates Foundation's new challenge to all Rotary Clubs. Watch the video here. 
In our District 5450, 48 of our 68 clubs to date, contributed $61,590 to the PolioPlus fund in 2012-13, bringing the total to $731,000 since the start of the Gates Challenge.
Polio cases this year are now at 108, which is more than the 91 cases at this time last year. Somalia has now had 45 cases diagnosed. Teams are scrambling to inoculate all children 10 years or younger but some areas are not open to aid workers. Kenya has seen 7 cases in a border refugee camp. They also have a major inoculation campaign underway.
GPEI’s goal remains the same, to pronounce polio eradicated by 2018. Keep up the good work. Together we will make it happen!  Go to to learn more about how you can help.
Have questions or want to join the District PolioPlus Committee? Contact Peg Johnston,