October is Vocational Service Month
During the month of October, Rotary International honors its commitment to vocational service. Indeed the Object of Rotary is the foundation on which the Rotary house stands. It is a key element of the Rotary International Constitution as stated in Article four: 
"to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise" – “and in particular to encourage and foster”: 
"the development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service”   “the promotion of high ethical standards in business and professions,  the worthiness of all occupations”
“the application of service in ones life, personal, business and community”
“the advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace through a world fellowship”

The foundation of Rotary is the business and professional men and women who serve through their vocation. Our service to youth through Interact, YRYLA and RYLA, Youth Exchange and Rotaract, provides us have opportunity to serve as guides and teachers but also as Mentors to our youth looking to grow and learn about themselves. Presentations of our 4-Way Test in schools acquaints youth with our ethical principles that we apply “to a we think, say and do”. Rotarian involvement with YRYLA and RYLA allows senior and junior counselors as well as campers to learn about themselves and become leaders of the future. Interact and Rotaract clubs mentored by Rotary clubs as sponsors and Rotarian advisors learn the power of service to others. Youth Exchange offers the opportunity for youth to become citizens of the world. Finally the formation of satellite clubs and satellite meeting groups attractive to younger Rotarians offers us all the opportunity to share our wisdom and our connections to mentor others.
Indeed everything Rotarians do is a form of Vocational Service and I acknowledge all Rotarians for their devotion to Vocational Service.